History of Sailing in Mauritius

Long before the introduction of luxury yachts or speedboats in our lagoons, the traditionnal wooden mauritian pirogue were the only locomotion on the water. These colorful and typical embarcations are part of our island heritage as they happen to be representative of typical and authentic sailing lifestyle of Mauritius.

The island’s first regattas were held in the late 19th century, when a group of influential sailors set up the Mahebourg Yacht Club in 1874. They were so popular that special trains were made available to the public to watch the event at Pointe des Régates.

In 1940, the second Yacht Club is created in Grand Bay (north of the island) and this marks the start of a new regatta era : a group of passionate starts building their own embarkation (Colombine II) and racing every week-end.

Today, our island is well-know for all kind of water sports, including windsurf, kitesurf, and all kind of regattas. Our lagoons often welcomes international competitions with more and more interests.